21st International Conference on Business Process Management

Demos and Resources

The demos and resources can be seen at the following tables on Wednesday, September 13 between 14:00 and 15:30.

Title Tablenumber Link
An uncertainty-aware event log of network traffic 11 https://github.com/HaifaUniversityBPM/traffic-data-to-event-log
A Tool for Visualizing Costs of Process Variants through Directed Rooted Trees 1 https://drt-process-performance.surge.sh/
SimuBridge: Discovery and Management of Process Simulation Scenarios 7 https://github.com/INSM-TUM/SimuBridge
BPM Hub: An Open Collection of UI logs 15 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8202749
A Collection of Simulated Event Logs for Fairness Assessment in Process Mining 16 https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8059488
Internet of Processes and Things: A Repository for IoT-Enriched Event Logs in Smart Environments 12 https://zenodo.org/communities/iopt/
SLURMminer: A Tool for SLURM System Analysis with Process Mining 10 https://github.com/zasab/SLURMminer
Alignment Approximator: A ProM Plug-In to Approximate Conformance Statistics 5 https://svn.win.tue.nl/repos/prom/Packages/LogFiltering/Trunk/
BIG GUI: a tool for building and analysing instance graphs 4 https://github.com/a-mircoli/big-gui
The Droid You’re Looking For: C-4PM, a Conversational Agent for Declarative Process Mining 6 https://github.com/Yagouus/c-4pm
Process-pattern.app – A collection of business process redesign patterns 2 https://process-pattern.app/
BPMN Inspector: A Tool for Extracting Features from BPMN Models 8 https://github.com/PROSLab/BPMN-Inspector
From LTL on Process Traces to Finite-state Automata 13 https://github.com/fracchiariello/LTLp2DFA
The Social Process Mining Cockpit: A Collaboration Pattern Detection Tool for Enterprise Collaboration Systems 3 https://w3id.org/spm/cockpit
BPMN2Constraints: Breaking Down BPMN Diagrams into Declarative Process Query Constraints 14 https://github.com/signavio/bpmn2constraints
DALG: The Data Aware Event Log Generator 9 https://github.com/DavidJilg/DALG